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2017 Theme – Walking the Micah Road

Theme Topic

God is a God of justice, love, and mercy. In His wisdom and love, He has set forth requirements for His children to follow: to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with Him. For followers of Jesus Christ, this is known as “Walking the Micah Road”.

Theme Verse

He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (NASB)

Theme Background

What does the Lord require of you? Whether you’ve answered that question before or you’ve heard its truth quoted for the very first time, His command is unchanged. It is for all generations: God’s children must do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.

It’s a call to get moving and join Jesus in His work in this world. We must move from just knowing in our heads about God’s justice, kindness, and humility, to becoming His active servants – purposefully working to set things right (justice), showing compassion and love to others (kindness) all the time, and eliminating our pride and dependence on ourselves and learning to depend on God to lead the way (humility).

The Micah Road is not for the apathetic or those that seek their own comfort. It’s for those who know the deep compassion of Jesus and desire to follow His Spirit, reflecting Jesus’ love to everyone. It’s for those who humbly say, “Yes, Lord, whatever You want!”

Theme Presentation Overview

The main message of the Theme is presented in five parts by two Cadet/GEMS Leaders acting the characters of Terry Trekker and Stevie Walker.

Terry is all excited as he/she loves trekking and has heard that the Cadets/GEMS are going on the Micah Road Journey. In each part (through skits and fun interactive activities) Stevie explains to Terry (and the Cadets/GEMS) the real meaning of Walking the Micah Road.

Following the skit/activities, the message is then reinforced in smaller groups by discussing the questions detailed in the Discussion Group Time: Leader’s Resource Book. During this time, the Cadets/GEMS can write their answers in their own Discussion Group Time Booklet.


Theme Overview

Devotional Book

Discussion Book

Discussion Book (Leaders Edition)

Leaders Resource Book

Additional Resource Book


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